Enhancing Cybersecurity for Insurance Claims Processing with Phishing Simulations

about paysafe

A leading global insurance company offering a wide range of insurance solutions to millions of customers. The organization focuses on maintaining the highest security standards for handling sensitive customer data and processing claims efficiently in a highly regulated industry.

Reviewed on

Hours saved through phishing prevention and automated incident response


Compliance with data protection and security regulations


Success rate in detecting phishing attempts


Employee success rate in phishing awareness training

The Chalange

As the insurance company expanded, it faced increasing cyber threats, particularly in the form of phishing attacks targeting employees handling sensitive claims and customer data. The company’s rapid growth led to varying levels of cybersecurity awareness across departments, making it more vulnerable to phishing schemes and regulatory breaches.

Given the stringent regulations around data privacy in the insurance sector, the company needed a proactive approach to strengthen its security posture and ensure compliance with data protection standards.

What did

HookPhish partnered with the insurance provider to deliver an enterprise-wide cybersecurity training and phishing simulation program to mitigate human error and reduce cyber risks.

Phishing Simulations – Customized phishing campaigns were rolled out to test and train employees in detecting phishing emails, specifically targeting those involved in claims processing and customer support roles.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training – HookPhish provided interactive training modules focused on phishing awareness, data privacy, and regulatory compliance to ensure that employees were equipped to identify and respond to phishing threats.

The Results

The strategies we use to support the insurance provider

Phishing Simulations
Cybersecurity Awareness Training
Threat Detection and Response
Compliance Audits
Incident Reporting Automation
Risk Management Consulting

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