Strengthening Security Through Phishing Simulations – HookPhish Success Story

about client

The client is a global payment gateway provider, facilitating secure online transactions for businesses of all sizes. Handling millions of transactions daily, the company ensures seamless payment processing while adhering to stringent security and compliance standards in a highly regulated financial environment.

Reviewed on

Hours saved through automated phishing reporting


Compliance with PCI-DSS standards


Reduction in successful phishing attempts


Employee phishing awareness success rate

The Chalange

As the company expanded its operations, it encountered an increasing number of cyber threats, particularly phishing attacks aimed at exploiting human vulnerabilities. The payment gateway’s rapid growth meant that different departments had varying levels of security awareness, which left gaps in their defense against social engineering attacks.

With strict regulations in the financial sector, the client needed a solution to ensure their team was consistently aware of potential threats while maintaining compliance with industry security standards such as PCI-DSS.

What HookPhish

HookPhish worked closely with the payment gateway provider to implement a comprehensive Phishing Simulation and Cybersecurity Awareness Training program. Our goal was to create a unified security culture across all departments, reducing the risks posed by phishing attacks.

Phishing Simulations – Tailored phishing campaigns were deployed to simulate real-world attacks targeting key employees. These simulations were designed to increase awareness and test the organization’s resilience to phishing tactics.

Security Awareness Training – Alongside the simulations, HookPhish provided engaging training sessions covering phishing attack patterns, social engineering tactics, and compliance requirements. This ensured that staff were not only aware of phishing threats but also equipped with the tools to counter them effectively.

The Results

The strategies we use to support the payment gateway provider

Phishing Simulations
Awareness Training
Threat Monitoring
Security Audits
Compliance Support
Risk Assessment

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